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Hello World! Processing, 2013

Ultra_Lab: Credits: Serrin.TV and Abelardo Gil-Fournier (Director)

"Documentary on creative coding that explores the role that ideas such as process, experimentation and algorithm play in this creative field featuring artists, designers and code enthusiasts. The documentary is built itself as a continuous stream of archived references, projects and concepts shared by this community."

"What is time for? Time is what hinders everything from being given at is must be elaboration...creation or choice...determination of things."


"...processes that need all participants to come to an agreement in order to operate, to share codes, recipes or instructions"...

"...find tools that interact with processes"...

"...computers will invade the arts, just as they do in any other parts of our lives...may have to learn new skills: mathematics, mechanics, engineering and programing in order to practice the craft."

"with the computer, as with any tool, the concept and direction must come from men, the task that is set and the data that is given must be men's decision and his responsibility" Charles and Ray Eames (A communication primer, 1958)

Tom Carden, 2011: "processing is a language and a toolkit, and a community and an open source project...dealing with creativity and coding...a model for an ideal online community: people who are supporting each other learning similar things and helping people just starting and sharing ideas..." "...the quickest route of expressing an is the quickest way from code, to pixels and screen...the best way to get started is to find someone who is giving a workshop or a tutorial, who is willing to give you these first steps and give you the confidence this what coding is, this is what design and code look like when they are done at the same time together" 

Marius Watz, 2011: "...people with any kind of background to work with code as a creative medium: to make animated sketches or drawings in code without having any knowledge of Java or programing...""...code is a language that you have to describe your ideas in for the computer to execute them...people who think visually, designers, artists or people who are used of thinking in terms of images, structure, form or aesthetics...processing is oriented in that kind of work...processing is more directly prepared for people who might not be the greatest technicians but who have great creative ideas...when you want to create a certain type of form or image in the computer, you need to be able to describe all the steps that go to make that image and to do that you create what is called an is like a recipe...describing the entire behavior of the system...describes your creative idea...manipulating algorithms and choosing parameters and figuring out how to tease the beauty of the system...the essential quality of digital data is plastic, is capable of changing state, assuming different configurations on demand, capable of universal representation of their media...I will make it available to other people...released the mold and the source" Permutations, 2011

Jer Thorp, 2011: "It is a digital sketch where you can scribble your ideas in code...that can become real things...the sketch can become something bigger and more can become a movie or it can become a sculpture." "...look at the data in ways that you have never looked up before"

Casey Reas, 2012: "...create ambiguous environments that do not intent to represent anything, they are not intended to have narratives behind them, but they are intended to be spaces that invite questions and invite curiosity, a dialog of wondering what it is and how it works"

Casey Reas, 2011: "...when you write a computer program you are basically encoding an idea into a specific notation that the computer can run...those ideas...are called algorithms...the files you save in processing are called sketches...instead of imagining can write a small piece of code and experience it and develop from there...make a lot of sketches by hand first, really quickly get ideas and imagine what they can do...iterative methodology: see it, evaluate it, and make changes from learn to program computer by loading images and doing things with making animation...with interaction and visual experiences...people who are visually stimulated and focus to explore and experiment and play with code...the new way of realizing ideas...teaching and community...people will take what they made and putting them online so other people can see you can do something in processing, exported...immediately put it on the web...the source code is included in there has been essential for the project...through the system of libraries that we put in...we built it in a way that we extended the software so people can write these libraries...processing has more than 100 contributing libraries...the strategy is to keep the core and the basic processing very minimal and contained" Process Compendium, 2011

Casey Reas, 2010: "Whenever you describe a system in software is a limitless field that you can explore by changing different parameters, the value of different parts of the system, you move to different parts of an infinite landscape"

Ben Fry, 2011: "...write a little bit of code and see what happens, then write a little bit of code"

Chris Oakley: The Catalogue, 2004

Thorsten Fleisch, Gestalt, 2003

Jose Luis de Vicente

Fernanda Viegas

Daniel Shiffman: Computational Design "...computation is very important as displaying data"

Frieder Nake: anecdote: "...could you make the machine draw the way I draw?...if you tell me how to draw, I can make my machine do it"

Aaron Koblin:

"The purpose of computers is insight, not numbers" 

 A communication Primer, 1958

Kevin Slavin, 2013 

Jareb Tarbell: Substrate, 2013

Amanda Cox, 2011 "charts and graphs""...reveal patterns and provide contexts in a visual, visceral way, to be able to see structure...difficult to describe in a photograph."

Tim Berners-Lee, 2009 "open data movement...around the world"

David McCandless:     "...patterns and connections between numbers"

Kate Hollenbach, 2011 "one of the most important advantages of processing is that it makes it easy to teach programing to people  who are primarily interested in visual design of the art...write programs that put things in the screen faster"

Robert Hodgin, 2011 "drawing a line on the screen is the first step...draw a line from point a to point look at a simple piece of art that you have made...something that has been very helpful in helping me grow as a programmer is to look at other's people's source code"

John Keston, 2011: "you do not to reinvent it...this is useful to me and I want to look it at a different way and I will put a different code around this"

The Feltron Annual Report2014/2015, the final in

The information Machine, 1958

Computers: John Whitney, 1976

Rodrigo Carvalho's blog:

Le joueur d'echecs, 1927 (Raymond Bernard)


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