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The article was written by Karen O'Rourke, which title is "Psychogeography: A Purposeful Drift Through the City" in July 16, 2021:

It is an introduction of the concept of psychogeography," an alternative way of reading the city" or "people who decode urban space by moving through it in unexpected ways" or "specific effects of the geographical environment...on the emotions and behavior of individuals."

Is it a practice to engage our individual imagination that could take us to places, already visited by artists that left their descriptions in artworks such as surrealists painters: Andre Breton, Joan Miro, Max Ernst, Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, Dorothea Tanning. The article also mentions William Blake, Constantin Guys, and writers who "reflect the dark corners of the human psyche" such as: Charles Baudelaire, Edgar Allan Poe, John Gay, Robert Louis Stevenson and others. 

Guy Debord (French, 1931-1994) wrote in the "Theory of the Drift" that the "drift" is "a mode of experimental behavior linked to the conditions of urban soiety: a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiances."

The article author's statement of a psychogeographer who "knows that the world cannot be recorded, it can only be remade" is            

The following YouTube video (2020), could expand our better understanding of the concept of psychogeography:

Mr. Will Self's some words are the following: 

  • connecting/engaging with the environment that we live
  • re-engaging with what is in front of us
  • intense act of individualism
  • autonomy
  • place and space on the psyche
  • wondering through urban spaces and places
  • abandon normal preoccupation
  • metric formulated by time and money
  • all our journeys based on such calculations (time and money)
  • free association of place and space
  • regarding environment as repression that need to be unlocked
  • collective memory (interlinkage) unconscious of the environment
  • deep topography 
  • literary drift (currents beyond perception)
  • move through environments under random basis (stratagems)


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