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Booklet pages formatting design process...

The booklet is a guide to provide art museum docents or teachers an art museum gallery visit that can add hands-on activities to the museum tour as a way of engaging the visitor in the appreciation of the museum's artworks and art in general.
This booklet's artworks are not at the museum's collection but are part of a private collection (a requirement of the graphic design class assignment to use personal photographs), but a QR code is provided to link with the Toledo Museum of Art e-museum site where museum artworks from its permanent collection can be chosen to be included in art gallery activities.
Above, one can appreciate the screenshots of the two spreads of four pages of the booklet that describes two hands-on gallery activities: Puzzle and Collage. 
The formatting of the pages is similar to maintain uniformity of the design, understanding where the data is located that helps in the understanding that is required when engaging in a step-by-step activity. 
The background color: yellow, has the same opacity: 60% in both spreads. Each activity has a different color to individualize it. The location of the main title is the same with the same background color: black and a stroke color according to the color of each activity: yellow (100% opacity) for Puzzle and green (100% opacity) for Collage. The stroke is 8 pt. The main title's font is Myriad Pro Bold in white color without stroke, the character size is 24 pt.
The character font of the subtitles is Verdana Bold, 18 pt., black, no stroke and for the text  is Verdana Regular, 12 pt., black, no stroke. 
Some photographs were manipulated in Adobe Photoshop by using masking and others were modified with adjustments of brightness, contrast and opacity. In Adobe Illustrator two photographs were combined into one. 
The page layout was based on grids, that helped in the build up of the composition of the pages. 



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