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Booklet Covers

The booklet's audience are children and adults. The booklet will be a step-by-step guide to be used as an interactive tool of communication among people that are visiting art galleries or art museums. It will be considered as a complement to the art conversation that is taking place in the blog, reason why the main title of the booklet is the title of the blog. Each gallery activity will have an artwork connection with the Toledo Museum of Art (with e-museum link). Also, an online version of the booklet will be available in the blog.
The first issue of the booklet is dedicated to art-related activities that can be done as an individual or in groups that are visiting a museum. The booklet can be used by docents, students or adults that would like to have an enjoyable interaction with art.
The photographs used in the cover and other pages of this booklet will be of artworks that are part of my personal home decoration, artworks that were bought in Colombia, Paraguay or as gifts from family and friends. Also there will be artworks done as an UT studio student and others done by family members. The booklet will have a personal touch!

Regarding the formatting process, the covers were designed through Adobe InDesign and the photographs were processed using Adobe Photoshop. The fill colors used as the background are white and black to relate to the simplest tools used in art and also the ones that are permitted in an art museum environment: pencil and paper for one cover. The warm colors: yellow and red/orange were used for the other. The font/typefaces' colors are black and red in both covers.
The black and white cover's fonts are the following: for the main title: Ink free regular (size: 48pt.), the rest of the text: Myriad Pro regular: Subtitle (size: 24pt., vertical scale: 125%) other texts in the back cover: size 18pt. 
The warm (yellow, red) colors cover was designed first: the main title's font is Lucida handwriting (30pt. stroke 1pt, red hue, vertical scale 125% and horizontal scale 100%in the back cover and 40pt. in the front cover) this main title is set in both front and back covers but the font size differs. The rest of the texts is set in Arial rounded bold: subtitle is 24 pt. in the front cover, and for the back cover's subtitle the font size is 20pt. For text is 14pt.  and 10pt. for contact information. Throughout the background the hue filling is set at 75% opacity and the fonts are without strokes. 



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